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The newly updated Premium Starter Kit is the most cost-effective way for you to begin using essential oils. You can truly transform your mind and body with this easy to use kit.


What's included

The price of the kit depends upon the diffuser you choose (see the above graphic for pricing information) and includes:


  • 12 oils and a diffuser of your choice (unless you choose one of the NON-oils kits, such as the Thieves, Savvy, or NingXia Kit!), plus samples)

  • A Young Living membership, which includes your 24% discount on Young Living products (think of it like a Costco membership for oils, but without the recurring fee!)

  • My 14-day e-course to get you up and running with your oils and your YL Membership


Included oils (5ml each) *:


  • 4 Single Oils – Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon Vitality, Peppermint Vitality


  • 8 Blends – Panaway, Stress Away, Citrus Fresh, Thieves Vitality, Raven, DiGize Vitality, Peace & Calming, Valor

Get the Kit!

Ready to get started? To purchase the Premium Starter Kit, click the Botton blow (or click here if you need ordering instructions)

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