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Wanderlust Pop Up Shop

What a weekend!!! I had my first vendor show at Wanderlust Pop Up Shops over at Wheeler Ferris Wheel. IT WAS A HUGE SUCCESS (well to me). I'm very grateful for every person that stopped by my booth and gave me nuggets of encouragement. It took a lot of work getting things ready for this show, but it was all worth it and nothing was done in vain. check out the photos below. They were amazing!!!! So here's what I learn now this is done: - Try explaining a Yoni Egg to tween's and children... That was awkward. - bring a hat and sunglasses. Oklahoma wind was crazy!!! - Sandbag are a must. The lady next to me had them for her jewelry display so her necklace stand wouldn't fall over. They even had weighted sandbags for their tent. Talk about easy mobility. I used cement blocks and they were really heavy. - Always have guides available for people because they have so many questions about uncommon items. My smudging guides were amazing quick references because people were interested but didn't know where to start. - Bring bungie cords for your sign. I created an amazing sign for this show and I used regular rope, but when I seen what others were using I had the AH HAAA moment. They think of things I would of never thought of. - People next to you are so amazing and friendly. So go buy from them!!! Thank you to my BFF Gwen for helping me during my first event. She even suggested to use a safety pin to stop the zipper from moving. (who thinks of stuff like this!!! Thats one smart cookie). My next show is May 13th at Dirt Road Dixie Roadshow - Pop up Shops. Come check me out there. I'll have a few new pieces available.

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