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Create Various Beauty Products & Home Remedies with Natural Ingredients

Did you know you can create various beauty products and home remedies with a few natural ingredients?

When I started my journey into essential oils and other natural products, the door opened to creating various home remedies and beauty products that used both herbs & essential oils. A simple bath scrub only consists of epson salt and essential oils, however you can add Pink Himalayan salt, baking soda, and coconut oil for a luxurious bath scrub. Sounds simple enough :)

Herbal Tinctures

So what exactly is a herbal tincture? Tinctures are liquid extracts made from herbs that you take by mouth. They are usually extracted in alcohol however they can be extracted in vegetable glycerine or apple cider vinegar (non-alcohol). You can read more about herbal tinctures from my other post here.

Facial Serum

After girl talk with a close friend of mine and complimenting her on how great her skin looks, she told me a few secrets that have turned her skin around. She started using an apple cider vinegar mixture for a facial toner and followed up with using a facial serum that used Rose Hip Seed Oil with a few essential oils. You can find both recipes here.

Herbal Trauma Oil

I came across this recipe inThe Heart of Aromatherapy by Andrea Butje when I checked the book out at my local library. The book had very insight for beginners, however one recipe I truly wanted to try was the trauma oil. The three herbs used for this oil are Arnica, St. John Wort, and Calendula that are infused in olive oil. The herbs are known for their abilities to relive pain and inflammation, which makes trauma oil an ideal ingredient for blends intended to soothe injuries and support recovery. You can find the recipe here.

Energy Cleansing & Smudge Spray

Did you know I had an online store? You can purchase items like the energy cleansing and smudge spray as well as other space cleansing items. I offer a wide variety of items to help you bring and maintain a balanced environment. You can shop the store here.

Hope you enjoyed the post.

Until next time,

Shana G.

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