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Who Said You Can't Color In Your Bible?

Who doesn't love coloring? Especially with the 64 count box of crayons that we all wanted when we were younger. Perhaps you've seen the brightly colored journaling bibles come across your timelines on social media and the internet. If not, be sure to check out my Instagram page @TheConsciousPlanner. These messages have certainly caught your eye as well as mine in recent months, but you may be wondering what bible journaling is and how you can get started.

What is Bible Journaling?

This creative expression is a way to document and learn scriptures by using a little creativity to inspire you to connect to God and study the Bible in a unique approach. This creative expression uses journaling, illustrations, and documentation of what you're learning in bible study, at church, and/or during personal time with The Word. It's not about religion, but more so about your relationship with our creator and with Jesus. Every person has their own personal way of expressing their faith and creativity.

What supplies do I need when getting started?

All you need to get started is simply a journaling bible, colored pencils or crayons, and a pencil. However, many people use a sketch pad or notebook. I really recommend journaling bibles because they include blank or lined spaces in the margins for you to make notes or illustrations.

Other supplies include;

- Washi Tape to decorate your pages

- Tip In to add additional space to your pages

- Gelatos and/or Watercolors to add vibrant pops of color

- Stickers, stencils, colored pencils, paint, fancy markers

- Additional Bible Journaling Supplies

You may have a number of items on your list, however keep in mind you don't need anything fancy to begin your journey.


Rules? First and foremost, there are NO RULES to Bible Journaling. You don't need to be artistic to create wonderful layouts. This is your personal journey so there is no right or wrong way to begin. Simply this is an opportunity to grow your faith in God and His word.

You may want to set aside a few minutes before you being to pray and ask God to lead you to a scripture passage and an idea of what to create. You can find inspiration through music, worship and meditation however you should enjoy this time to reflect and draw closer to Gods word. Perhaps you can select one of your favorite scriptures and think of what that means to you.

Some people draft their ideas on sketch paper before committing to journal it in their bibles. This works well to transfer the design using white transfer paper. However this technique is completely up to your style and preference.

Quick Tips...

Since I began my journey of Bible Journaling, heres a few things I've learned along the way:

- Date your layouts so you can look back and reflect on them later

- Add the location of the page you've created. This is especially helpful for those who travel frequently.

- Keep your supplies organized. It helps when you know where all your tools, stickers, and coloring items all in one place and ready to go.

- It doesn't have to be perfect or look like others.

Sounds easy enough? It really is :) Bible journaling is simply a way to draw closer to God through a creative expression. If you haven't connected with us on facebook, take the time to join the group The Conscious Planner or on instagram. I love to see your layouts so tag me in them.

With love and light,

Shana G.

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